Many students at MAHE are not completely aware of ‘Club Day’. It’s an event where all the different clubs come together and promote their respective clubs in different ways. For example, they host games, activities, performances, etc. It is a way to make students aware of the types of clubs that the University have, like Sports, Music, Dance, Literature, Art, Drama, International Students, Volunteering, etc.


It is important for students to participate in extra curricular activities. It helps students focus on something other than their studies, which is actually good for the brain.


“It’s necessary to take a break from books sometimes cause too much of anything is not healthy”

-Siya Madolkar, SOMC Student

Club Day is usually held on one of the days right after the University Opens for the new academic year. It is an interactive event, where all the students old/new come together as one, meet new people and explore new passions.


The Student Council heads this event and are really well coordinated when it comes to ‘Club Day’. They help out all the clubs with resources and set ups for the event. You are even allowed to start your own club if there isn’t one similar to your idea already.


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