Students of Design and Architecture take the Confluence fashion show by storm

MAHE’s Confluence 2018 was an enormous success, with increasing participation from every department. However, there was one department that outshone all others; School of Design & Architecture, especially in the fashion show. Based on a unique fusion of the zodiac signs and the art of origami, the theme was fresh and original.

“Fashion and architecture go hand in hand; the only difference is in the scale of the design.”

A SoD&A student and fashion show team member, Srilata, who believes the theme is truly representative of the creativity of the department says, “As designers and architects, we are always taught to design for the people, but through Confluence, we got an opportunity to showcase it. You see, fashion and architecture go hand in hand; the only difference is in the scale of the design”

The students of SoD&A prepared their own costumes, props, music and routine; all in one week. According to them, having project deadlines and preparing for last minute juries with professionals prepared them for the challenge.

When asked what it is that kept motivating them throughout, Srilata says, “It is the thought of not letting our department down, and the individual interest in being a part of such events. It was intrinsic motivation, and the prospect of seeing our thought come to life on stage. Also, the fact that our faculty has always trusted us to pull off the craziest ideas we can come up with. We’d like to specially thank Mrs Sarah Taizoon for showing her constant support and encouragement.”

Students from the School of Design and Architecture display their imagination. | Photo credits : Peter Anil Mathew


In the future, the enthusiastic faculty of SoD&a hope to put up more exhibits that showcase their department and the talent that lies within. With every display of their imagination, they catch more eyes and win more hearts than trophies.



Twinkle Stanly

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