Old methods bringing fresh perspective to young minds

MAHE’s Life Sciences department believe in keeping things fresh by introducing guest lecturers to their classes

The School of Life Sciences welcomed Ms. Neetha, Dr. Naghabhushan and Dr. Giribabu Nelli as guest lecturers to spice up things in their classrooms. The idea may seem a little old, but the perspective and knowledge the lecturers offer keeps it from becoming monotonous.

Ms. Neetha, a food officer went over various topics, from the strict food safety rules and regulations in the UAE and encapsulation (refers to a range of dosage forms—techniques used to enclose medicines—in a relatively stable shell known as a capsule, allowing them to, for example, be taken orally or be used as suppositories. ) to the vast number of career options available in the field.

Dr. Giribabu Nelli, a professor hailing from the renowned University of Malaya held an interesting discussion about his ongoing research about oxidative stress cancer and his attempts at finding a cure through his experiments on adult male rats.

Dr. Naghabhushan, a professor also hailing from the University of Malaya detailed on the healing effects of turmeric (the presence of an active polyphenol in turmeric known as curcumin provides an ideal intervention for type 2 diabetes), and his research and experimental attempts to cure extreme effects of diabetes with the help of turmeric.

The guest lecturers proved to be an enriching experience for both the students and their professors. Not only seeing a new face liven up the classrooms, but also offered expert opinion on various topics and even a new point of view on the topics. The lectures tend to open up new options to the same old lesson design. The student can even apply the knowledge they learned later in their courses, as lecturers that are from the field tend to have much more credibility compared to those from the academic side. The educational experience of exposing students to real life-experience from the position of someone who has been there before, remains invaluable.

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