Good things come to those who wait!

Finally, the final year students have walked on stage and received their degree which they have worked really hard for the past 3 to 4 years on Convocation 2018!

The convocation was held at the Atlantis hotel, where chief guests from Manipal India were also attending.

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Final year students and now alumni from all the schools were present on the wonderful occasion!

I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! FINALLY! – Joshua Andrade, A graduate of BBA undergraduate

An amazing evening, the smiles and laughter from everyone were just spectacular, you will even notice that the students and professors were reminiscing on old times!

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I’ve always dreamed about this day, but I cant lie, I’ll miss Manipal, I’ll miss the university life. – Seyd Thuabeen, Graduate of BBA.

Even thought the students were very excited,  the couldn’t hide their sad expressions, they might’ve been a lot of smiles and laughter but there were also cries of worry, what would come after their life in MAHE Dubai.

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I’m pretty terrified for whats to come, but i know i’ll be ready for anything!  I’m a student of Mahe Dubai after all. – Kailash Newani, graduate of BA.media

Name: Abdulhamid Mohammed Ali Baabde

Role number: 1602006

would like to thank Kailash, Thuabeen and Joshua for their cooperation

would also like to thank twinkle stanley for her amazing photographs

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