Ever-longing crisis in Syria continues in 2018, millions still affected

Since the Syrian civil war officially began March 15, 2011, families have suffered under a brutal conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, torn the nation apart, and set back the standard of living by decades.

“As we enter the eighth year of this ruinous war in Syria, it is harrowing to hear of the alleged attacks in Douma,” Syria Response Director, Wynn Flaten, said in an April 12 statement at the UN conference. “It is utterly heartbreaking to see the constant calls from humanitarian organizations to put an end to the violence, suffering, and devastation of Syrian people, go unnoticed.”

Healthcare centers and hospitals, schools, utilities, and water and sanitation systems are damaged or destroyed. Historic landmarks and once-busy marketplaces have been reduced to rubble.

Wynn Flaten
Wynn Flaten talks to Devex regarding the strengthening of development communities in Syria

War broke the social and business ties that bound neighbors to their community. Millions scattered, creating the largest refugee and displacement crisis of our time. More than 5.6 million Syrian have fled the country as refugees, and another 6.2 million people are displaced within Syria. Half of the people affected are women and children.

The Syrian army and various militant groups are fighting to control territory in the country’s northeast and northwest regions. The civil war has become a sectarian conflict, with religious groups opposing each other, that affects the whole region and is heavily influenced by international interventions.

On 14 April, armed forces from the UK, the US and France fired missiles to destroy what they say are chemical weapons factories in Syria. Syrians continue to be affected by conflict between militant sects and the military forces in Syria. Thousands of families still continue to be affected by this on-going dilemma.

The air strikes were in response to a suspected chemical attack in an area called Douma, which shocked a lot of people.

It was the biggest military attack against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government by western powers in Syria’s civil war.

Twinkle Stanly


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