Students go to Georgia; returns inspired and awe struck.

On the 20TH of April  2018, 149 students from the Design and Architecture department of MAHE, Dubai set out for an educational trip to Georgia, to observe and gain firsthand experience of the magnificent architecture prevalent in the Eastern European country. The final assignments of the students were dependent upon what they documented and observed during the tour.

Students from the Design and Architecture Department in Tbilisi                        Photo credits : Rutu Kamath


Upon their arrival, the students were immediately allotted into different groups, each responsible to complete a certain task. Each group was responsible for either photographing, sketching, landscaping or researching on the history of various locations around the city.

The first day was spent visiting the Tbilisi flea market, where people from all around the world come together to buy craft works created by young Georgian artists. The students had a wonderful time learning and observing the diversity in the culture.  They were also given a chance to taste authentic Georgian food, including the Churchkhela, Khinkhali, Kachhapuri and bubble waffles.

Georgian Ice-cream from Fruit Factory  | Photo credits : Ruth Mirian

On the second day, the bunch of young, eager students set out early at 8am to visit the Kartlis Deda monument,  also known as the “Mother of Georgia”. The students spent an ample amount of time sketching the structure from various angles. They were on their feet observing the narrow roads and historic structures. As a part of their final projects, the students took it upon themselves to speak to the residents there and learn more about the culture that cannot be studied from afar.

The next three days were spent visiting churches as well as museums and snapping photographs of every element, from the brick walls to the textures of the rugs they stepped on. On one of the days, the students were taken to the Georgian National Museum, where they witnessed various artifacts including suits of armors from wars, old clothing, coins from the past and even rustic jewelry. They also visited the Peace Bridge, the Holy Trinity church and the Mtatsminda Furnicular.

“Educational tours like this should not be considered a luxury, but rather, mandatory for students in order to open up our minds to new cultures, people and experiences.”

As for the stay, all the students stayed in Astoria hotel, located in the heart of Tbilisi. The students were always back by 7 pm and they spent the rest of their time summarizing and working on presentations which were eventually shared with different groups.

When asked about the trip to Ruth Mirian, a first-year student who was a part of the trip, she said, “It was very refreshing to interact with faculty and students outside a classroom. Educational tours like this should not be considered a luxury, but rather, mandatory for students in order to open up our minds to new cultures, people and experiences.”

The Holy Trinity Church  | Photo credit : Ruth Mirian


This 5-day trip was not only educational, but also gave all the students an opportunity to feel connected with each other. They got to experience an entirely different culture and a different lifestyle all while getting to know each other in the process . Tiring long walks, similar experiences, sleepless nights and a zest for adventure brought together 149 individuals from different backgrounds with one goal : to learn while having fun.


Credits : Twinkle Stanly

Roll Number : 1602023

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