Icebreakers event ‘Prologue’ unites senior and juniors alike.

Prologue, an annual ice breaker party was hosted by the school of business on 17th October at the Multi purpose hall to welcome the freshmen batch.

Freshmen students of school of business | Photo credit : Alia Ahmed

The event commenced from 8:30am and went on till 4pm. A crowd of approximately 150 students were a part of it. It began with the seniors introducing themselves and talking about Manipal and the events they will be hosting in their department. The very first activity that took place was a balloon game  and paper dance which had a student of final year and a student of the first year to play it. There were also various performances by the seniors. The first was an eastern dance performance followed by solo singing and instrumentals. The juniors were then asked to participate in the activities and write their confessions on the chart. The event came to an end with a DJ session. It also involved variety of games and activities, photo booths, conversational chairs, food and drinks.


Dance Performances | Photo Credit: Alia Ahmed


Prologue decoration | Photo credits: Alia Ahmed

 “We wanted to change the idea of  the traditional ice breaker and make it a fun party where everyone has a good time and there is no barrier within the department.”

Breaking the monotonous pattern, the school of business had decided to change the vibe and feel of Prologue to a young and vibrant concept this year. This idea was initiated by the second and final year students of the department. The planning process started a month prior to the event. It covered various aspects including the concept, budgeting of the event, games and activities to entertain the crowd, permission for the venue, momentous and gifts, customized invitations and food requirements.

Prologue Decor | Photo Credit: Alia Ahmed

In conversation with a first year student, Ayesha, said “This event helped us get to know our seniors better and we loved the entire vibe of it.”  The faculty members were also very happy with Prologue this year and said that such events bring together the unity of the department as a whole. 


Credits: Charmy Vora

Roll no. : 1602013

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